
Top ten tips for family enterprises

Here are the top 10 tips for family enterprises!

  1. Leave work at work and home at home.
  2. Have clearly assigned roles for each family member to avoid feelings of being taken for granted, over-worked or under-utilised.
  3. Pay the market rate. Remunerate the job and not the person.
  4. Develop a strong, capable management structure – don’t confuse ownership or inheritance with management.
  5. Have clear, consistent communication – both good and bad news must be shared.
  6. Clearly define entry and exit criteria for family members before an event occurs.
  7. Develop a succession plan and ensure that it is endorsed by interested parties – a communicated process rather than a sudden event.
  8. Use outside advisers who can provide unbiased, objective advice – preferably accredited, family business advisers.
  9. Hold regular communication sessions and family ‘retreats’ – the best results are those facilitated by a `third party’.
  10. Use external advisers, sounding board, mentors and family business forum groups.

This article was originally published in The Fence magazine.

Image courtesy of Leading Agriculture magazine.