
Scott Cam leads uptake of more skilled trade jobs

scott cam tf october 2019

Scott Cam will inspire the next generation of tradespeople in his new role as Australia’s first National Careers Ambassador, helping young Australians take advantage of surging demand for skilled workers.

Scott will highlight how practical and technical training can lead to high paying and fulfilling jobs, while also working with the National Careers Institute, alongside government, industry, education providers, career advisors, parents and employers to improve career options.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said as our economy changes we need people to have a mix of skills and experience and this includes having more Australians with technical, trade and practical skills.

“For many years going to university has been the default expectation imposed on our young Australians, but it’s not the only path to rewarding and successful employment.

“It’s time we broadened our view and recognised the many other successful avenues available to young Australians and talked about the opportunities in fast growing industries like construction through technical and skills education.”

The Prime Minister wants to see more Australians become tradespeople than lawyers and consultants. “I would like to see more of them going on to become their own boss.

“Scott Cam is proof that undertaking a trade can be a very valuable, rewarding and successful career choice, and there are plenty more who can tell a similar story to Scott.”

Minister for Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business, Senator Michaelia Cash, said vocational education and training was key to building our future workforce.

“The Federal Government is committed to creating more than 1.25 million jobs over the next five years and alongside that goal we are rolling out a $100 billion infrastructure investment.

“To take advantage of this, we will need to make sure people and businesses have access to the right skills at the right time, and understand how their skills relate to current and emerging career pathways,” Minister Cash said.

“As National Careers Ambassador, Scott will help Australians at all ages and stages to make informed decisions about learning, training and work pathways.

“Working with the National Careers Institute, Scott will make sure individuals and businesses can take advantage of the pathways on offer.”

This article was first published in The Fence magazine.