
Bi-partisan support for a Federal Housing Minister

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Bi-partisan support for a Federal Housing Minister recognises the urgent need to address our housing affordability challenges at a national level, said the Housing Industry Association.

Appointing a Housing Minister is one of 37 recommendations contained in the “Building Up and Moving Out” report released by the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Infrastructure, Transport and Cities.

“Appointing a senior Minister for Housing is a necessary step to improving the efficient delivery of shovel ready residential land, coordinating the infrastructure to support new communities and addressing our housing affordability challenges across the country,” said Tim Reardon, Acting Executive Director of Industry Policy.

“The Reserve Bank of Australia has estimated that the administrative costs of releasing a block of land for building in Sydney is almost $500,000 per block. “This is why the average cost of a home in Sydney is now over $850,000,” said Mr Reardon

The Report also lists a number of actions that a new Minister for Housing would be responsible for, including:

  • Monitor housing affordability issues and lead a joint federal, state and local government response;
  • Ensure all policies considered by cabinet support the provision of more affordable, quality housing and strike the right balance between investors and home buyers;
  • Coordinate all government agencies with a role in implementing housing outcomes;
  • Identify and strategically develop Commonwealth land holdings to address housing affordability and amenity issues; and
  • Investigate the viability of nationalising and streamlining planning regulation similar to the Australian Building Codes Board model.

“The Report reflects many of the recommendations raised by HIA in its submission to the Committee, and we look forward to working with both the Government and Opposition to action its findings,” added Mr Reardon.

Source: HIA