
Buy Queensland policy enhancements to preference best practice workplaces

The QLD Government’s Buy Queensland policy will now support best practice workplaces in Queensland with the delivery of key enhancements to government’s procurement policy.

QLD Minister for Housing and Public Works Mick de Brenni said the government was delivering on its commitment to quality, secure local jobs and safe workplaces for all Queenslanders.

“Since Buy Queensland came into effect in September 2017, 84 per cent of Queensland Government contracts awarded through QTenders have gone to Queensland businesses,” he said.

“This presents a huge opportunity to back in secure, quality local jobs.

“By spending money locally, businesses can have the confidence to hire more workers and take on apprentices, and that’s the heart of Buy Queensland.

“These enhancements take that a step further – we’re supporting quality, secure local jobs so that workers can plan for the future as well as pay the bills.”

Mr de Brenni said the enhancements focused on achieving positive workplace outcomes like worker safety, fair wages, and good working conditions.

“Our supplier evaluation will now include looking at workplace health and safety systems, and standards to make sure businesses tendering for government contracts are providing the best possible workplace for their staff.

“Whether we’re tendering for building major infrastructure, looking for community service providers, or hospitality staff, we want to make sure we’re supporting businesses who engage with their staff cooperatively and strive for best practice in their workplaces.

“These enhancements also confirm our continued commitment to giving preference to businesses that are training up the next generation of tradies and staff through apprenticeships.

“We will ensure that employers live up to their training and apprenticeship obligations through enhanced reporting and compliance measures.”

Mr de Brenni said Buy Queensland had delivered a boon for local businesses since it was introduced.

“This policy unashamedly preferences Queensland businesses when it comes to doing business with the state government,” he said.

“We are focussed on ensuring best practice workplace health and safety systems and standards are the norm for businesses across Queensland.”

Source: QLD Government