“The State Opposition’s announcement that it will re-introduce residential planning controls that restrict low density, low impact redevelopment if elected in November 2018, would be a backwards step for housing in Victoria,” said HIA’s Victorian Executive Director, Fiona Nield.
The Opposition has announced if elected in November 2018, it will within 100 days re-introduce the two dwelling per-lot limit in the Neighbourhood Residential Zone, as well as re-introducing the discretionary nine metre height limit in the General Residential Zone. The height limit is currently 11 metres with a three storey cap.
“It is important that planning policy, particularly as it relates to the residential development industry, is always looking forward seeking innovative ways to house a growing population with the ability to provide a diverse range of housing stock.
“This announcement is likely to create further uncertainty for both industry and the community in the coming months and may ultimately inhibit the building of homes for many first home buyers and those seeking to downsize and stay within their own community – particularly on their own block of land.
“We need certainty regarding planning controls year on year to be able to continue providing Victoria’s much needed new housing stock and meet the challenges that come with such strong population growth in this State.
“Announcements such as these create doubt for home owners and for many small developments in the planning stages of the process.
“Amending these planning controls again will remove the opportunity for adequate consideration to be given on the merit of a site’s design opportunities and may present as an opportunity lost for many low density low impact homes being built in across the State,” concluded Ms Nield.
Source: HIA