
Improvements to the Building Award

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“The $130 billion residential building industry is an efficient and productive industry that needs easy to understand and flexible employment conditions,” stated Melissa Adler, HIA’s Executive Director – Industrial Relations.

The Full Bench of the Fair Work Commission handed down a decision relating to the Building and Construction General Onsite Award. This decision is part of a four yearly review of the modern awards.

“In an unprecedented decision, the Fair Work Commission overturned numerous outdated and burdensome provisions in the Building and Construction Award,” said Ms Adler.

“In doing so, the Commission addressed the need to simplify the Award and reduce the numerous (over 100) industry, disability and expense related allowances into just one allowance, making the calculation of an employee’s rate of pay clearer.

“By allowing employees to set aside the ‘Rostered Day Off Calendar’ that required them to take every fourth Monday as a RDO, the Fair Work Commission has also empowered employers and employees to agree to accrue RDO’s and overtime to be taken as an additional form of leave.

“The building industry has driven employment and economic growth across the economy over recent years and has been constrained by a persistent shortage of skilled trades. Enabling greater flexibility will enable the industry to lift its contribution to the national economy,” concluded Ms Adler.

Source: HIA